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Nabil A. Alageli (9-2008)
Emirates Neuroscience Society 3rd International Conference, .
Ellabib MS, Zendah B1 (8-2008)
المجلة العلمية لجامعة طرابلس, 1(3), pp. 65-68.
Laila Elbarghati (7-2008)
Immunobiology, 30(213), pp. 899-908.
Daeki AO (4-2008)
4th International Workshop on Vaccine Adjuvant and Parasitic Vaccines, Adjuvant 2008, .
Tarek Gibreel (1-2008)
British Society for Antimicrobial Cehmotherapy, .
Bakoush O, Al-Tubuly AA, Ashammakhi N, Elkhammas EA (1-2007)
libyan medical journal, 2(1), pp. 11-14.