Department of Geology

Word Of the Head Department of Geology

I welcome the visitors of the Geology Department's website. I invite you to view the programs of the department if you want to study geology and its branches related to oil, water, rocks, minerals, environmental studies, exploitation and management of natural resources, as the Department of Geology provides modern programs for bachelor's and master's degrees and seeks to develop a doctoral program.

The Department of Geology is one of the leading scientific departments at the University of Tripoli, as it is the oldest department in Libya, and therefore its graduates are the ones who established the rest of the departments in Libyan universities, and to it most of the first pioneers of geologists in all sectors belong. The scientific reputation of this department derives its momentum from the spread of its graduates all over Libya and in many companies and universities abroad. It also paved the way for the first scientific symposium on the geology of Libya, which began in 1969 and continued its episodes until 1987, which was published in eight volumes that formed at the time the main reference on the geology of Libya and spread in most of the major libraries and professional institutions interested in the geology of Libya, Africa and the Mediterranean and the series of sedimentary basins published by the Libyan Society for Geosciences comes as an extension of this symposium, where a number of faculty members participated in the department in editing its volumes. The Department of Geology has been home to the legal headquarters of the Libyan Society for Geosciences since its re-establishment in 1974, which was established in 1958 under the name of "Libyan Petroleum Geological Society".


Providing world-class scientific programs that qualify the department's graduates to contribute to community service in academic and research institutions and institutions related to the exploration and exploitation of natural resources and environmental protection.


Providing advanced scientific programs at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels aimed at graduating qualified geologists to work in the field of theoretical and applied scientific research, exploration for natural resources and protection of the environment from the impacts of overexploitation or unregulated exploitation of natural resources.


1. Preparing qualified scientific cadres in the field of geology and its applications.

2. Preparing scientific programs to keep pace with the latest scientific developments in the field of geological education and training, which qualifies graduates to keep pace with the continuous acquisition of knowledge and develop their theoretical and applied capabilities after graduation.

3. Contribute to the Arabization of geological sciences.

4. Continuous development of evaluation methods for educational programs and the performance of faculty members.

5. Developing research laboratories to contribute to scientific research directed to solving theoretical and applied geological problems.

6. Contribute to the enrichment of geological knowledge related to local geology and the preparation of research that contributes to the development of exploration for natural resources such as oil, gas, groundwater and minerals.

7. Developing community awareness of the environmental risks resulting from geological processes such as volcanoes, landslides, sandstorms resulting from desertification, receding and advancing beaches, as well as risks resulting from the overexploitation of natural resources.

8. Dissemination of geological knowledge and editing of volumes related to the geology of Libya by hosting and supporting the Libyan Society for Geosciences.

Organizational Structure for Department of Geology

Facts about Department of Geology

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



