Master in Marine Engineering

University of Tripoli - Department of Marine Engineering



This post-graduate program aims to encourage the acquisition of general scientific skills relating to Marine Engineering, critical analysis, interpretation, and discussion of factual information and data. By the end of this program, students will be able to evaluate practical solutions to the fundamental problems that most Marine Engineer is likely to encounter in daily practice


This graduate program aims to encourage the acquisition of general scientific skills relating to Marine Engineering, critical analysis, interpretation and discussion of factual information and data. By the end of this program students will be able to evaluate practical solutions to the basic problems that most Marine Engineers are likely to encounter in their practice.

On completion of this Master’s program the graduate students will also be able to pursue his/her studies to PhD level. In general the Master Degree Program will help graduates to perform the following activities:

• Enabling students to focus on a particular aspect of a broader subject area in which they have

prior knowledge or experience through previous study or employment.

• Enabling students to focus on a particular subject area or field of study in greater depth than they encountered during the course of previous study or experience. This may include enabling students to develop knowledge of a new discipline or field of study in combination with a relevant subject area in which they have prior knowledge or experience.

• Enabling students to learn how to conduct research often linked to a particular discipline or field of study.

• Enabling students to undertake a research project on a topic within the area of interest that makes up the majority of the overall assessment.

• Enabling students to specialize or to become more highly specialized in an area of employment or practice related to a particular profession.


o encourage the acquisition of general scientific skills relating to Offshore Engineering, critical analysis, interpretation and discussion of factual information and data. By the end of this program students will be able to evaluate practical solutions to the basic problems that most offshore Engineers are likely to encounter in their practice.

On completion of this Master’s program the graduate students will also be able to pursue his/her studies to PhD level. In general, the Master Degree Program will help graduates to perform the following activities:

• Enabling students to focus on a particular aspect of a broader subject area in which they have

prior knowledge or experience through previous study or employment.

• Enabling students to focus on a particular subject area or field of study in greater depth than they encountered during the course of previous study or experience. This may include enabling students to develop knowledge of a new discipline or field of study in combination with a

relevant subject area in which they have prior knowledge or experience.

• Enabling students to learn how to conduct research often linked to a particular discipline or

field of study.

• Enabling students to undertake a research project on a topic within the area of interest that makes up the majority of the overall assessment.

• Enabling students to specialize or to become more highly specialized in an area of employment or practice related to a particular profession.

Certificate Rewarded

MSc. In Marine Engineering.

Entry Reuirements

A graduate of engineering colleges (Bachelor) from government universities in the Libyan country.

Study Plan

The Master in Marine Engineering prepares students to qualify for Master in Marine Engineering . The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 6 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 31 units, which include 7 units of general subjects, and 12 major units, 12 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GE604 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 03 University requirement +

MAR606 Applied Statistics and Computer Application 03 University requirement +

Students should be able to: 1. Analyze and display sampling data, evaluate statistics, and estimate distribution parameters; 2. Draw conclusions about population parameters from experimental data by using proper statistical techniques; 3. Use proper statistical techniques (namely hypothesis testing) to draw sound statistical conclusions; 4. Use computer software (e.g. Microsoft Excel) to apply statistical methods to solve problems.

GE609 Numerical Methods in Engineering 03 University requirement +

Interpolation; Linear interpolation, Lagrange and Aitkin’s interpolating polynomials, Difference calculus, Newton forward and backward difference formula, curve fittings, least square approximations, Fitting nonlinear curves, Cubic spline, Chebyshev polynomials, Approximation with rational function ordinary differential equations, Analytical and computer-aided solutions, Boundary conditions, Taylor series method.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MAR621 Marine Transmission and Auxiliary Machinery Systems 03 Compulsory +

MAR620 Applied Thermodynamics 03 Compulsory +

MAR601 Research skills 01 Compulsory +

The course is taught in the first semester in the first year of postgraduate studies. It prepares students for scientific research and development of thesis. The course provides content on Elements of the Research Proposals and Formulation of a research plan, Elements of Technical and Scientific reports, what is the Scientific Research, The Structure of Scientific Research, Methods of Scientific Research, Aims of Scientific Research, and Ethics of Scientific Research, Developing a hypothesis, a research problem and related questions, Being able to perform exploratory data analysis, Understand correct ways to refer to and cite from scientific literature.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MAR628 Marine Machinery Control Systems 03 Compulsory +

Review to principles of control engineering (continuous (analog) and discrete (digital)). System modeling (Mathematical modeling, linearization, state space). System representation (block diagrams, state-space, transfer functions). Control system analysis (time response, steady state error and sensitivity analysis). Control system stability analysis (classical methods and Lyapunov method). Control system improvement by classical PID controllers and compensators (lead, lag and lead-lag). Multivariable systems and the Controllability and Observability concepts. State space forms. Pole placement state controller and state observer estimator).The laboratory study will cover: The modeling of engineering systems in LabVIEW and Mat lab/Simulink to study control system design to improve dynamic performance.

MAR623 Ship Propulsion 03 Compulsory +

Influence of machinery choice on acquisition and operating costs. Methods of energy saving applied to overall system design. Propeller design procedures and matching of engine and propeller. Propeller performance in service. Propeller excitation forces and design of propeller for minimum excitation. Energy saving propulsions. Machinery and hull vibrations. sources of excitation. Modes of vibration. Method of analysis using case studies. 

MAR622 Ship Performance at Sea 03 Compulsory +

Ship’ Naval architecture review, introduction to ship performance at sea, Direct wind forces and moments, Induced forces and moments, Performance loss estimation, effect of seaway on ship resistance, effect of seaway on ship propulsion, Hull roughness and fouling .Marine Engineering ( Machinery ): Performance and fuel economy, Impact on plant layout , Total energy concepts, Marine fuels, Fuel treatment, Maintenance as part of ship life cycle, Maintenance cost evaluation, Failure mode and effect analysis, Risk-Based maintenance, Reliability and maintainability, Fault tree analysis, Failure rate, concept of ( Intelligent ) condition monitoring, Some techniques for intelligent monitoring, Condition monitoring of diesel engines.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MAR625 Marine Electrical Power Systems 03 Elective +

The main objective of the course is to give the students an introduction to electro-technical engineering and an understanding of marine electric power systems on ships and platforms, which is of importance for management, engineering, design, and analysis.Introduction to electric analysis techniques, with basis on electro-technical concepts, laws, and properties for electric systems, such as circuit analysis, electric power, 1-phase and 3-phase systems, phasor diagrams, electro-magnetic energy conversion, and physical principles of transformers and electric machinery. Electric machines, motors, and propulsion drives, electric power generation and distribution, power management systems (PMS), operational issues, and class rules and methods for independent testing and verification. Marine emergency power systems, power quality requirements, shore connections in ports, distribution components and network protection emergency supplies, simultaneous faults. Load flow and fault analysis. 

MAR624 Marine Machinery System 03 Elective +

Marine system modelling, mathematical representation, system identification, analysis of power plant , Modelling the sensors and actuator used in marine system, Auxiliary system evaluation including clutch and gearbox control, Total system performance when subject to full ahead to crash stop manoeuvre, Stability analysis, Ship dynamic stability, Application of computer simulation techniques to analysis of marine systems.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MAR627 Heat Transfer & Heat Systems 03 Elective +

Conduction process, radiation heat transfer, heat exchanges, process heat transfer, boiling,condensation, air condition and refrigeration engineering

MAR629 Structural Integrity of Ship 03 Elective +

Introduction , definition of structure integrity, concept of fitness-for-service methods, fraction mechanics theory ( Diving force and fracture toughness, K, CTOD , J ) linear elastic fracture mechanics ( LEFM ) , Elastic fracture mechanics ( EPEM ), Flow types, Fracture mechanics testing, Fracture assessment using failure assessment diagram ( FAD ) approach, Fracture toughness R, curve fatigue crack growth, fatigue design of welded joints, fatigue assessment procedures in BS7910 non-destructive testing and practical exercises and case studies.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MAR699 M. Sc. Thesis 06 Compulsory +

The student has to carry out a research project in one of the programs. The research topic should tackle contemporary problems in the marine field and upon completion it must stand firm for publication.

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MAR626 03 Elective +

MAR697 03 Elective +

MAR648 03 Elective +

MAR643 03 Elective +

MAR636 Thermal System Design and Optimization 03 Elective MAR606 MAR620 +

MAR635 03 Elective +

MAR634 03 Elective +

MAR631 03 Elective +

MAR698 01 Elective +