Master in Finance and Banking

University of Tripoli - Department of Financing and Banking



The Master's Program in Finance and Banking is a high-level educational program that provides a set of study materials and skills that help students learn about financial planning, financial management, investments, advanced financial services, insurance, social financial services, health insurance, real estate financing, and family insurance , personal financial insurance, tax insurance, social insurance, and advanced financial services. The program also includes the utilization of existing experiences and the continuous development of technical financial skills.


The master's program in Finance and Banking aims to help students gain access to the skills required to work in banks and financial companies. The master's program includes learning basic financial sciences, such as financial analysis, financial management, investments, advanced financial services, insurance, social financial services, health insurance, real estate finance, family insurance, personal finance, tax insurance, social insurance and advanced financial services. The program also requires learning financial management sciences, which is a set of skills that help students manage financial projects and various financial companies. The Master's program in Finance and Banking also helps students to familiarize themselves with local and international resources and procedures that relate to financial insurance and financial management. Students can also learn about health insurance, tax insurance, family insurance, real estate finance, personal finance, advanced financial services, social financial services, and advanced financial management.


Employing the skills of researchers in the field of finance and banking provides the researcher with many skills and experiences that help them reach the level required to work in banks and financial companies. Students learn the financial and administrative basics that help them manage financial projects and various financial companies. Students learn different financial management methods, such as financial analysis, financial management, investments, advanced financial services, insurance, social financial services, health insurance, real estate finance, family insurance, personal finance, tax insurance, social insurance and advanced financial services. Students also learn how to deal with domestic and international resources, and deal with procedures that relate to financial insurance and financial management. The master's program qualifies students to work in banks and financial companies, and provides them with a lot of experience and skills necessary to reach the level required to work in this field.

Certificate Rewarded

Master's Program in Finance and Banking

Entry Reuirements

To be accepted into the Master's Program in Finance and Banking, applicants must have a Bachelor's degree in Finance and Banking. Applicants must pass the differentiation exam, and their general grade should not be less than very good in the Bachelor’s Degree in Finance and Banking. Applicants must define and commit to their goals for obtaining a master's degree. Applicants must obtain a study visa and obtain the necessary funding in order to study for foreigners. In addition, applicants must ensure that they receive the necessary business and academic support to obtain a master's degree.

Study Plan

The Master in Finance and Banking prepares students to qualify for Master in Finance and Banking. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 3 Years of study, in which the student will study a total of 33 units, which include 6 units of general subjects, and 24 major units, 3 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ACC638 Studies in the analysis of financial statements 03 Elective +

It deals with the financial analysis of the financial statements and the Islamic analysis of the financial statements. The course includes Islamic analysis of financial statements and Islamic analysis of financial statements. The course includes Islamic analysis of financial statements and Islamic analysis of Islamic companies and Islamic commercial companies. The course includes Islamic analysis of Islamic companies and Islamic analysis of Islamic commercial companies. The course also includes the Islamic analysis of Islamic companies and the Islamic analysis of financial statements. The course also includes Islamic analysis of Islamic companies, Islamic analysis of financial statements, Islamic analysis of Islamic companies, and Islamic analysis of Islamic commercial companies.

ECO610 03 General +

It explains the different methods of analyzing a micro market, the impact that micro operators have on the micro market, and the impact that micro operators have on the overall economy. Microeconomics course also explains economic problems related to micro investments, financial management related to micro market, micro integration and financial risk management related to micro market. The course also deals with micro-market forms, micro-market financial management, micro-market financial management, micro-investments and micro-market financial risk management.

ECO713 Money and banking 03 Elective +

The Money and Banking course develops the basic concepts of money and banking and explains the different ways of analyzing money and banks, the impact that monetary operators have on money and banks, and the impact that monetary operators have on the general economy. The course also explains the economic problems related to cash investments, financial management related to money and banks, monetary integration and managing financial risks related to money and banks. The course also deals with the forms of money, banks, financial money, the monetary financial market, financial management related to money and banks, monetary investments, and managing financial risks related to money and banks.

FIN661 Financial Department (Finance Department) 03 Compulsory +

It touches on the science of financial management, which is the sophisticated use of various methods to control a person's money. The course studies financial analysis, financial procedures that include financial management, financial financing and financial planning, and different methods for analyzing stocks and financial markets. The course also deals with financial procedures related to companies, financial markets, and financial analysis of companies. The course also deals with the operational procedures that need to be taken to achieve the financial goals.

FIN662 Scientific research methods in finance 03 Compulsory +

Scientific research methodology is a process in which specific questions are addressed using different scientific methods. Scientific research includes statistical procedures related to research, qualitative and experimental analysis, statistical analysis and direct research. Scientific research uses the scientific method and special scientific methods to obtain correct and reliable results. Scientific research requires that the critical analysis and comprehensive analysis of the available data be carried out, in order to find the best solutions to the questions posed.

FIN663 investment theory 03 Compulsory +

Investment theory is a theory that is relied upon in conducting appropriate financial procedures in investments. Advanced financial analysis on the basis includes financial forecasts based on the current and future size of the investment, risk judgments and expected returns from the investment. Investment theory relies on statistical reasoning and statistical analysis of financial information to determine the appropriate financial actions to be taken in an investment. Financial management uses investment theory to conduct financial analysis and forecast the performance of stocks, commodities, bonds, and other contracts.

FIN664 banking operations 03 Compulsory +

The course aims to teach students the financial procedures that they must implement in banks. It includes materials such as basic financial procedures, banking marketing, electronic marketing, financial implementation procedures, financial accounts procedures, insurance procedures, tax procedures, social investment procedures, financial communication procedures, and electronic banking procedures. Students learn how to deal with buyers and the different financial procedures that they must implement in banks. Students also learn the various electronic banking procedures that help them provide complete and integrated banking services to customers.

FIN665 Financial institutions and markets 03 Compulsory FIN661 +

The course "Financial Institutions and Markets" discusses the different financial institutions and how they are affected in the financial market. He also talks about the different methods of analyzing the financial market and the different methods of investing in the financial markets. Various financial operations, financial communications, financial assets, financial markets, international financial institutions, domestic financial institutions and forms of financial institutions will be studied. The course also deals with the various financial problems facing companies and financial markets and the different solutions to these problems. In addition, the course also deals with the operational procedures that need to be taken to achieve the financial goals.

FIN666 portfolio theory 03 Compulsory +

Portfolio theory includes the study of investments, financial analysis and advanced financial management. It includes the theoretical framework for investments, financial management and various investment policies. The course also deals with different methods of analyzing the financial market, financial assets and various investments. The course also explains financial logic and financial statistics used in financial analysis and financial forecasts. The course also includes the study of financial logic and financial statistics used in financial analysis and financial forecasts. The course also explains the theoretical framework for different investments, advanced financial analysis and advanced financial management.

FIN667 Corporate finance 03 Compulsory FIN661 +

Corporate finance course includes the analytical study of business companies and their financial management. The course also explains the theoretical framework for the management of different companies and the theoretical framework for financial analysis and financial forecasting. The course also includes studying the theoretical framework for various investments and advanced financial management. The course includes the study of corporate financial analysis, advanced financial management, various investment policies, and standards that must be followed in financial analysis. The course also includes the study of financial predictions, multiple investments, and self-investments.

FIN668 Financial risk management 03 Elective FIN661 +

Financial risk management course aims to clarify the theoretical framework for financial risk management. The course includes studying the theoretical framework of different financial risks and the different methods of analyzing and evaluating financial risks. The course includes studying the theoretical framework for various investments and advanced financial management. The course also includes the study of financial logic and financial statistics used in financial analysis and financial forecasts. The course also explains the theoretical framework for managing various financial risks and the theoretical framework for analyzing and evaluating financial risks. The course also explains the theoretical framework for managing various financial risks and the theoretical framework for analyzing and evaluating financial risks.

FIN669 Islamic financing and investment formulas 03 Compulsory FIN664 +

Islamic finance and investment formulas course deals with the Islamic analysis of finance and investment. The course includes Islamic financial analysis of commercial companies, Islamic institutions and Islamic companies. The course includes Islamic analysis of the financial market, Islamic investments, and Islamic investments in the global financial market. The course includes Islamic analysis of financial risks and Islamic investments in financial risks. The course also includes the Islamic analysis of commercial companies, Islamic institutions and Islamic companies. The course also includes Islamic analysis of Islamic companies and Islamic analysis of Islamic investments. The course also includes Islamic analysis of Islamic companies, Islamic investments, and Islamic rulings related to finance and investment.

STAT600 Advanced statistics 03 General +

It involves the statistical analysis of statistical data and the conduct of statistical analysis of statistical data. The course also includes the statistical analysis of financial statements and other statistical data. The course also includes statistical analysis of statistical data related to statistics and statistical analysis of financial data. The course also includes the statistical analysis of statistical data related to general statistics and individual statistics. The course also includes the statistical analysis of statistical data related to applied statistics. The course also includes the statistical analysis of statistical data related to statistical forecasts and applied statistics for forecasts.