Bachelor in Statistics and econometrics

University of Tripoli - Department of Statistics and Econometrics



This program is one of the newest and most important majors in the college. It started with the establishment of the Department of Statistics and Econometrics in 2004. The aim of this program is to respond to the need of the labor market with qualified human resources in the specialization of statistics and econometrics and who have the skill of using statistics in analyzing various problems with the help of statistical software. Statistics, along with statistical software, help predict the behavior of economic phenomena in the future, in addition to deducing biological and demographic data and their relationship to the economy in the country.


This program aims to:

  • Teaching the student the basic concepts of statistics and econometrics and the nature of statistical data
  • Teaching the student how to collect data for a specific phenomenon, how to describe it, and use different statistical and software methods to solve problems related to that data.
  • Providing the student with the skill of using statistics and statistical software in analyzing problems related to economic phenomena for the purpose of forecasting the comportment of these phenomena in the future.
  • Teaching the student how to build and measure economic models and extract biologic and demographic data and their relationship to the economy.
  • The student learned how to identify the characteristics of populations using samples.
  • The student acquires the ability to extract the characteristics of the population using non-parametric statistics for independent and related samples.
  • Providing the student with the skill of using the available data in planning, forecasting, decision-making and policy-making, and relating them to the most important concepts of economic models and their various forms.


1. Knowledge and understanding

  • The program seeks to provide statistical programs of high quality and related to the needs of the labor market. It also offers scientific research and distinguished analytical consulting.
  • The student should know and understand scientific theories and principles in the field of statistics and econometrics, and devise what serves public and private institutions.
  • The student should use scientific changes and developments in the areas of specialization used in the development of modern organizations.
  •   The student must deduce the most important foundations, principles and scientific steps used in the development of individual, administrative and institutional performance.
  • The student should compare the knowledge and successful experiences with the corresponding institutions in the fields of specialization to benefit from them in the development and development of Libyan institutions.

2. Mental skills

  • The ability to understand theories, software, modern knowledge and their applications in the fields of specialization.
  • Generating creative ideas and mental innovation and keeping abreast of scientific developments in the fields of specialization.
  • Developing the ability to understand the problems that organizations face in areas of specialization and to draw conclusions about them.
  • Contribute to the integration of knowledge to serve the development of areas of specialization and other disciplines.

3. Practical and professional skills

  • Mastering practical and professional skills in the fields of specialization to serve the labor market.
  • Using modern methods in the fields of specialization to contribute to the practical development of organizations.
  • Application of electronic software and contemporary technologies in the field of statistics and econometrics.
  • Master planning, implementation, evaluation and follow-up skills.

4. General skills

  • The ability to solve problems and make decisions in areas of specialization.
  • The ability to lead, supervise and work with a team.
  • Communication skills and dealing with others.
  • Good listening, persuasion and negotiation.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in Statistics and Econometrics.

Entry Reuirements

  • The student must have passed Statistics Course 2 with a good general grade (65%) or above.
  • The student must have passed 28 credits.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Statistics and econometrics prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Statistics and econometrics. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 139 units, which include 52 units of general subjects, and 75 major units, 12 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ACC131 Principles of Accounting II 03 General +

The student recognizes the reasons for the need for settlement entries, the student understands how to prepare settlement entries, and the existence of more than one method, and the student recalls the importance of accounting principles and assumptions and their impact on the settlement process, and the student explains the reason for the balance (or imbalance) of the settlement list and the statement of financial position The student recognizes the reasons for the need for settlement entries, the student understands how to prepare settlement entries, and the existence of more than one method, and the student recalls the importance of accounting principles and assumptions and their impact on the settlement process, and the student explains the reason for the balance (or imbalance) of the settlement list and the statement of financial

SE142 Fundamentals of mathematical analysis 1 03 Compulsory +

This course aims to introduce the student to the basics of mathematical analysis, and to provide him with some knowledge that helps him understand some of the basics of other subjects. In this course, the student will also learn to use the calculator and benefit from it in practice, and make the student able to link between mathematical methods and other fields.

ACC 130 Accounting Principles I 03 General +

Defining the science of accounting, the principles and assumptions that govern it, the accounting cycle, the budget equation, the basics of preparing the double entry, distinguishing between debit and credit accounts, determining the effect of transactions on the budget equation, recording and posting entries in the accounting books with the preparation of the trial balance and the preparation of financial statements (income statement, and the position list financial) and discover accounting errors and treat them

SE140 Principles of Statistics 140 03 Compulsory +

The course aims to enable the student to use statistical measures and apply them to the studied phenomena, and to provide him with initial knowledge of the rules of statistical analysis. In addition, the student will learn about the importance of statistics in practice and its keeping pace with scientific developments. As a result of this course, the student should deduce the significance of numbers in statistics.

POL150 Political Science 03 General +

This course aims to familiarize the students with the main topics of political science, and considering its all different branches. Also, preparing students to have the required knowledge in order to be able to study political science deeply, and qualifying them to understand the main terms and concepts used in the field of political science.

PLA170 Planing peincipals 03 General +

Teaching students the importance of planning, which is represented in achieving the goals of balanced development through a future outlook and achieving total and partial balance, in addition to defining planning and its justifications and stages of development, as well as identifying the types of planning and the stages of the planning process, and the methods used in the planning process Knowing how to set plans and follow them up

FIN160 Financing Principles 03 Compulsory +

This course is concerned with introducing the student to financing and its objectives, and what are the tasks assigned to financial managers, as well as knowing the sources of financing, financial intermediaries, and sources of Islamic financing. It also explains the definition of ordinary and preferred shares, advantages and disadvantages, and determining the cost of each, It also explains the concept of bonds, long-term loans, leasing and retained earnings, and determining their costs.

MAN120 Principles of business administration 03 Compulsory +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SE141 Principles of Statistics 2 03 Compulsory SE140 +

The course aims to introduce students to the foundations and rules of probability and its theories, and how to benefit from analytical statistics in various fields. Then the student learns how to apply analytical statistics, its applications, and its relationship to mathematical foundations, and the student deduces the significance of numbers in the science of statistics.

POL151 Public Administration 03 General +

MAN121 Principes of business administration 03 Compulsory +

ECO210 03 Compulsory ECO110 +

ECO111 03 Compulsory ECO110 +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ECO317 03 Compulsory ECO111 +

ECO314 03 Compulsory ECO210 +

ECO313 03 Compulsory ECO111 +

ECO211 03 Compulsory ES142 +

SE240 Mathematical analysis 2 03 Compulsory ES142 +

This course aims to enable the student to know the basic concepts of integration and the methods required for that, then to get acquainted with the applications of integration in some fields. Then the student moves on to learn matrices algebra and how to use them in economic operations.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
IC101 03 General +

SE342 Hypothesis tests 03 Compulsory ST141 +

This course aims to provide the student with the knowledge of how to apply statistical hypothesis tests on the study population, and to be able to apply the tests to statistical programs. As a result, the student knows how to reach a good statistical decision-making and deduces the types of errors and steps to verify the statistical hypothesis in a correct statistical way.

SE243 Analysis of variance 03 Compulsory SE241 ST141 +

The course aims to teach the student the methods of analysis of variance and what it is used for, and train him to use one of the relevant statistical programs. In this course, the student learns how to link the theoretical and practical aspects of the course, and to deduce the most important uses analysis of variance.

SE241 Quantitative economic analysis 03 Compulsory ES142 ST141 +

The course aims to teach the student the skills of the principles of quantitative analysis and define the foundations on which quantitative analysis is built and link it to the facts related to the phenomena of the economy. The student also knows topics related to quantitative matters in economics and business, and provides him with the necessary skills to deal with quantitative data and its applications. The course aims to enable the student to deduce the problems of economic phenomena.

ECO215 03 Compulsory ECO210 +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SE244 03 Compulsory SE141 +

In this course, the student understands the importance of statistics in solving the problems of his life and society, and studying uncertain situations through discussion with others. The course also aims to make the student understand what is meant by simulation in statistics and probability, The student knows the standard normal random variable and distinguishes the general shape of the curve representing the density function for this variable.

SE340 Econometrics 1 03 Compulsory SE240 SE245 ST141 +

The course aims to teach the student the basics of econometrics, and to study the quantitative methods used in economic planning. In this course, the student will also learn how to build standard models, and how to use the computer and its various statistical programs.

SE345 Quality control 03 Compulsory ST141 +

The course aims to teach the student the basic principles and applied aspects of quality control, in addition to his understanding of the basics of applied statistics and its relationship to quality control. The student also gets acquainted with the graphical methods and how to deal with process control, as well as how to use the computer in applying and monitoring quality programs.

SE346 Mathematical Statistics 03 Compulsory SE244 +

The course aims to teach the student the basic concepts and different interpretations of the concept of probability, as well as teach him the skills of estimate and expectation for the purpose of planning. The course enables the student to acquaint himself with the use of statistical software and statistical measures in economic analysis and planning. The student learns how to provide accurate advice to decision makers.

SE441 Economic modeling and simulation 03 Compulsory SE440 +

The course aims to teach the student the concepts of economic modeling and simulation terminology, and the student learns how to work on applying simulation models to economic phenomena. This course also enables the student to analyze the results with high accuracy, and work on applying modeling and simulation to statistical programs.

SE540 Financial Statistics 03 Compulsory SE440 +

The course aims to provide the student with the skills of reading the most important financial indicators for companies, and the skills of compiling financial data. This course also provides the student with the skills of financial analysis and the study of financial indicators.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SE242 Principles of time series 03 Compulsory ES142 SE142 +

The course aims to teach students the concept of time series, the most important time series models, as well as estimation methods for time series models, and forecasting using time series. Through this course, the student will know how to study time series in the economic and administrative fields and use their applications.

SE542 Applied Statistics 03 Compulsory SE245 +

This course aims to teach students the skills of forecasting and forecasting for the purpose of planning. It also introduces students to how to use statistical software and statistical measures in economic analysis and planning. When studying this course, the student can learn how to provide accurate advice to decision makers, and deduce the significance of numbers in statistics.

SE341 Statistical sampling methods 03 Compulsory SE243 +

The course aims to teach the student the basics and concepts of sampling in all its forms, and to prepare actual survey applied studies that cover the main concepts. It also aims to teach students how to take samples and differentiate between sampling methods, and teaches students to deduce the importance of a good estimate of missing and future values.

SE343 Population census 03 Compulsory SE141 ST141 +

The course aims to study the elements that make up the population societies, and then identify the mechanism of renewal of the population societies. In this course, the student learns how to provide accurate advice to decision makers, as well as life schedules in practical life.

SE344 Building economic indicators 03 Compulsory ECO211 ST141 +

The course aims to teach the student the most important economic indicators, and the methods of calculating those indicators. The course also aims to provide students with the ability to interpret and analyze indicators, as well as measure development in a practical way through field studies.

SE440 Econometrics 2 03 Compulsory SE340 +

The course aims to teach the student the basics of econometrics as well as learning the quantitative methods used in economic planning. The course teaches the student how to build standard models, and how to use the computer and its various statistical programs.

SE442 Nonparametric statistics 03 Compulsory SE342 ST141 +

In this course, the student learns the distributions that do not contain parameters, and learns how to use the appropriate test in the case of a small sample. The course also aims to teach the student to compare the method of parametric and non-parametric tests, and to use statistical packages designed for statistical analysis.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SE541 Statistical software and Data analysis 03 Compulsory SE241 SE440 +

This course aims to provide the student with the ability to deal with statistical data, and to identify the stages of statistical research from defining hypotheses to designing a data collection form. In this course, the student also learns coding, data entry and analysis, and how to obtain results regarding study assignments. Through this course, the student knows the relationship between the different variables, with the application using a statistical software.

SE245 03 Compulsory SE141 SE241 ST141 +

The course aims to teach the student the statistical method used in simple and multiple linear regression analysis. In this course, the student understands the meaning of regression and its applications in studying the relationship between variables. Through this course, the student will know the meaning of the correlation between the variables and the significance of its result, as well as knowing the importance of building models.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
COM280 03 Elective +

ECO311 03 Elective ST141 +

SE543 Stochastic operations 03 Elective +

The course aims to introduce students to the mathematical methods and techniques used in random processes, and to know the applications of random processes. In this course, the student will also learn the methods of using random processes in the fields of finance, economics and applied sciences, and will be able to deduce the subtle differences in the statistical methodology that uses random processes better.

SE544 Graduation project 03 Compulsory +

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MAN325 Risk management and insurance 03 Compulsory MAN220 +

MAN223 Human Resource Management 03 Compulsory MAN121 +

MAN221 Scientific research methods 03 Compulsory MAN121 +

MAN220 Production operations management 03 Compulsory MAN121 +