Bachelor in Business Management

faculty of Economy - Department of Business Administration Management



Business Administration aims to provide the student with the ability to employ the knowledge and skills required to occupy administrative positions, and to use the academic curriculum in solving administrative problems, to be able to employ the knowledge acquired in the field of business administration to serve the community.


  • Providing students with the knowledge and skills required to meet the needs of various sectors in the field of business administration.
  •  Developing students' research skills and capabilities to contribute to solving administrative problems facing various institutions.
  •  Preparing administrative cadres capable of contributing effectively to achieving development in various economic sectors.
  • Preparing cadres in the field of management who can compete in the labor market and meet the requirements of the development of the labor market.


A.  Knowledge and Understanding: After successful completion of this programme, graduates will possess:

  •  Knowledge and understanding of a wide range of administrative sciences, and how they interrelate together within the overall process of business administration.
  •  The graduate should know the methodology and methods of scientific research in the field of management.
  •  To arrange the basic administrative theories that formed contemporary administrative thought.
  •  The graduate should be able to summarize the most important administrative functions in industrial and service institutions.
  •  The graduate should be able to enumerate mathematical methods and quantitative models in solving administrative problems.


 B. Intellectual skills: After successful completion of this programme, graduates will possess:

  •  The graduate should be able to choose among the available alternatives or different options in the decision-making process.
  •  The graduate should be able to deal with administrative data and information.
  •  The graduate should be able to interpret and analyze management concepts and theories.
  •  The graduate should be able to describe and analyze administrative problems and propose appropriate solutions.
  •  The graduate should be able to link the administrative theories with the applied practical reality.


 C.   Practical and professional skills: After successful completion of this program, graduates will possess:

  •  The graduate should be able to deal with the requirements of the labor market.
  •  The graduate should be able to understand the mutual influences between organizations and the internal and external business environment in particular, and the organization and its objectives in general.
  •  The graduate should be able to conduct research and provide scientific and technical advice to various parties.
  •  The graduate should be able to participate confidently and successfully in the management of institutions, solve technical and administrative problems, and communicate effectively with relevant parties.
  •  The graduate should be administratively successful and capable of innovation and work development.


 D. General Skills: Successful completion of this program graduates will be able to:

  •  Communication, written and oral communication.
  •  Ability to use information and communication technology.
  •  Ability to work in a team or independently.
  •  The ability to understand multiple points of view.
  • The graduate should be able to think critically, understand other points of view, and present his ideas clearly.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Business Administration

Entry Reuirements

  •  The student should successfully pass the principles of business administration (120) and principles of business administration (121) with a grade of no less than good.
  •  The student should not have been expelled from another university or institute for disciplinary or academic reasons.
  •  Passing the entrance exam and the personal interview, if the department deems it so.
  •  The ability to absorb the program from students according to the available capabilities.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Business Management prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Business Management. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 139 units, which include 49 units of general subjects, and 12 major units, 60 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ACC 130 Accounting Principles I 03 General +

Defining the science of accounting, the principles and assumptions that govern it, the accounting cycle, the budget equation, the basics of preparing the double entry, distinguishing between debit and credit accounts, determining the effect of transactions on the budget equation, recording and posting entries in the accounting books with the preparation of the trial balance and the preparation of financial statements (income statement, and the position list financial) and discover accounting errors and treat them

MAN120 Principles of business administration 03 Compulsory +

FIN160 Financing Principles 03 Compulsory +

This course is concerned with introducing the student to financing and its objectives, and what are the tasks assigned to financial managers, as well as knowing the sources of financing, financial intermediaries, and sources of Islamic financing. It also explains the definition of ordinary and preferred shares, advantages and disadvantages, and determining the cost of each, It also explains the concept of bonds, long-term loans, leasing and retained earnings, and determining their costs.

SE140 Principles of Statistics 140 03 Compulsory +

The course aims to enable the student to use statistical measures and apply them to the studied phenomena, and to provide him with initial knowledge of the rules of statistical analysis. In addition, the student will learn about the importance of statistics in practice and its keeping pace with scientific developments. As a result of this course, the student should deduce the significance of numbers in statistics.

ECO110 03 Compulsory +

ECM181 Computer Fundamentals 03 General +

The Computer Fundamentals course identifies the general principles of computer principles as an important part of improving the quality and effectiveness of performance. It also clarifies the concept of a computer, its objectives, elements, functions, development, implementation, requirements, and its relationship to electronic commerce. It also describes, analyzes and explains the case studies and how to benefit from them in creating the computer network model.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MAN121 Principes of business administration 03 Compulsory +

SE141 Principles of Statistics 2 03 Compulsory SE140 +

The course aims to introduce students to the foundations and rules of probability and its theories, and how to benefit from analytical statistics in various fields. Then the student learns how to apply analytical statistics, its applications, and its relationship to mathematical foundations, and the student deduces the significance of numbers in the science of statistics.

ECO111 03 Compulsory ECO110 +

ACC131 Principles of Accounting II 03 General +

The student recognizes the reasons for the need for settlement entries, the student understands how to prepare settlement entries, and the existence of more than one method, and the student recalls the importance of accounting principles and assumptions and their impact on the settlement process, and the student explains the reason for the balance (or imbalance) of the settlement list and the statement of financial position The student recognizes the reasons for the need for settlement entries, the student understands how to prepare settlement entries, and the existence of more than one method, and the student recalls the importance of accounting principles and assumptions and their impact on the settlement process, and the student explains the reason for the balance (or imbalance) of the settlement list and the statement of financial

POL151 Public Administration 03 General +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SE142 Fundamentals of mathematical analysis 1 03 Compulsory +

This course aims to introduce the student to the basics of mathematical analysis, and to provide him with some knowledge that helps him understand some of the basics of other subjects. In this course, the student will also learn to use the calculator and benefit from it in practice, and make the student able to link between mathematical methods and other fields.

POL150 Political Science 03 General +

This course aims to familiarize the students with the main topics of political science, and considering its all different branches. Also, preparing students to have the required knowledge in order to be able to study political science deeply, and qualifying them to understand the main terms and concepts used in the field of political science.

ECO210 03 Compulsory ECO110 +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ECO211 03 Compulsory ES142 +

ACC 231 Intermediate Accounting II 03 Compulsory +

Familiarizing the student with the concept of long-term investments and the difference between the different methods of accounting for them, introducing the student to the preparation of consolidated statements, long-term and short-term obligations, the rights of project owners, the accounting treatment of their various items, accounting for errors in previous years and changes in the application of accounting policies.

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MAN226 Advertising management 03 Elective MAN225 +

MAN421 Strategic management 03 Compulsory MAN223 +

MAN420 Organizational behavior 03 Compulsory MAN323 +

MAN329 Work study 03 Compulsory MAN220 +

MAN328 Marketing Management 03 Compulsory MAN225 +

MAN327 Environment management 03 Elective MAN223 +

MAN326 Total Quality Management 03 Compulsory MAN220 +

MAN325 Risk management and insurance 03 Compulsory MAN220 +

MAN324 Administrative information system 03 Compulsory MAN220 +

MAN323 Organization and management theory 03 Compulsory MAN220 +

MAN322 Operations research 2 03 Compulsory MAN321 +

MAN321 Operations research 1 03 Compulsory MAN220 +

MAN320 Financing management 03 Compulsory MAN121 +

MAN229 Knowledge management 03 Elective MAN121 +

MAN228 Health facilities management 03 Elective MAN220 +

MAN227 Time management 03 Elective MAN220 +

MAN225 Principles of Marketing 03 Compulsory MAN121 +

MAN224 Materials and supply management 03 Compulsory MAN220 +

MAN223 Human Resource Management 03 Compulsory MAN121 +

MAN221 Scientific research methods 03 Compulsory MAN121 +

MAN220 Production operations management 03 Compulsory MAN121 +

MAN422 Studies in management and organization 03 Compulsory MAN421 +

MAN423 Market research 03 Elective MAN226 +

MAN424 Management of hotels and tourism establishments 03 Elective MAN225 +

MAN425 Change and development management 03 Elective MAN420 +

MAN426 Market services 03 Elective MAN225 +

MAN427 International management 03 Compulsory MAN220 +

MAN428 Consumer's behaviour 03 Elective MAN225 +

MAN429 Small projects management 03 Compulsory MAN225 +

MAN520 Crisis and disaster management 03 Elective MAN325 +

MAN522 Graduation project 03 Compulsory +