Department of Tourism Studies

Word Of the Head Department of Tourism Studies


Leadership in educational tourisms,  and excellence in graduating qualified staff, and attracting the highest research competencies capable of creativity and development in tourism studies.


The Department of Tourism provides distinguished educational, research and training services to students in the fields of tourism and qualifies them to compete in the labor market, and contribute efficiently to the scientific, cognitive and moral construction, and also contributes to cultivating scientific ambition among students to continue their undergraduate and postgraduate studies, and create equal opportunities for them, and contribute to achieving the university's mission within a framework of values and customs.,


  • Graduating qualified cadres capable of keeping pace with the needs of the labor market in the tourism sector.
  • Raising the productivity, efficiency and performance of the department by strengthening relations with educational and training bodies.
  • Contribute to the development of the tourism sector effectively and stimulate partnership with the private sector.
  • Encouraging scientific research, nurturing innovators and optimal investment of human resources in tourism education and training.
  • Building strategic partnerships with distinguished training sectors.
  • Spreading awareness of the importance of working in the tourism fields among members of society.
  • Introducing architectural heritage and cultural heritage through theoretical and applied educational programs carried out with scientific participation in educational seminars and festivals.
  • Strengthening the relationship with the corresponding departments and colleges
  • Organizational Structure for Department of Tourism Studies

    Facts about Department of Tourism Studies

    We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




    Academic Staff



