Master in Social Work

Faculty of Arts and Languages - Department of Social Work



The student studies courses in the areas and methods of social work, scientific research skills, and training in the practice of professional skills in social work.


Preparing and qualifying researchers and experts in the field of social work.

Contributing to provide students with the accurate scientific and methodological foundations in the field of social work.

Guiding students to search in social issues that serve the community.

deepening students' perceptions of the accurate approach to the nature, content, and objectives of social studies in general, and the objectives and studies of social work in particular.


Researchers and staff members in the fields of social work.

Certificate Rewarded

Master's degree in Social Work

Entry Reuirements

Obtain a first university degree in social workor its equivalent

Employer approval for full-time or part-time study workers.

Passing remedial courses in the event of the change of specialization

Submit an original copy of the transcript and the contents of all the courses that the applicant studied at the undergraduate level

Students are accepted according to the priority of their estimates in the first university degree

Study Plan

The Master in Social Work prepares students to qualify for Master in Social Work. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 3 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 36 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 0 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
501 خ. ج. ع 03 Compulsory +

502 خ. ج. ع 03 Compulsory +

503 خ. ج. ع 03 Compulsory +

504 خ. ج. ع 03 Compulsory +

513 خ. ج. ع 03 Elective +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
505 خ. ج. ع 03 Compulsory +

506 خ. ج. ع 03 Compulsory 504 خ. ج. ع 505 خ. ج. ع +

507 خ. ج. ع 03 Compulsory +

508 خ. ج. ع 03 Compulsory +

514 خ. ج. ع 03 Elective +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
509 خ. ج. ع 03 Compulsory +

510 خ. ج. ع 03 Compulsory 507 خ. ج. ع +

511 خ. ج. ع 03 Compulsory 501 خ. ج. ع 502 خ. ج. ع 504 خ. ج. ع 509 خ. ج. ع +

512 خ. ج. ع 03 Compulsory +