Department of Spanish Language

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About Department of Spanish Language

    The establishment of the Spanish language department dates back to the academic year 1990/1991 AD, then the college sought to support this department in order to be able to provide integrated academic programs.

        At that time, the curricula were formulated in the department, and they were approved by the competent authorities in the university. Studying for a bachelor's degree in the department began in the academic year 1991/1992 AD. The department - since its inception - performed its mission to the fullest, trying - always - to develop its curricula and attract professors (Libyans). And Arabs, Spaniards, and Latinos) who are capable of performing that message.

      Many male and female students graduated from it in order to carry the secretariat in various fields of work in the country, whether in the field of translation, in the field of media, or other various educational, administrative and tourism jobs.

      The department continued to keep pace with the movement of construction and development in the beloved homeland, Libya, updating its curricula and courses according to the need, organizing performance mechanisms within it, and expanding admission in response to the country's need for Spanish language graduates, until the number of its students in the year 1999-2000 reached (272) students.

            In the academic year 1994 AD - 1995 AD, the number of graduates of the first batch of the department's batches reached (23) students, as the number of students in the department increased with the passing of the years, bringing their number in the year 2001 AD - 2002 AD to approximately (3315) male and female students.

        During this period of nearly 10 years at the undergraduate level, the department was able to provide a solid scientific base made up of a group of professors specializing in Spanish language and literature from all scientific ranks and experience in managing higher programs, whether at the academic or supervisory level, which paints a picture of the big leap and the increasing demand that Department enjoys. In the academic year 2000-2001 AD, the department tried to add an important achievement when the graduate studies program for the master’s stage was started, which also witnessed a large turnout of students, especially repeaters who were unable to complete their higher studies outside Libya, either because of their special circumstances or because they work in state jobs in the department in the year scholastic

  This is the section that, over eight years, provides the beneficial and looks forward to providing more.

Facts about Department of Spanish Language

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff






Bachelor - Spanish Language

The Spanish language BA program is one of the programs of the Spanish Language Department at the Faculty of Languages at the University of Tripoli. The program gains its importance from the great importance of the Spanish language, as more than 400 million people speak Spanish in the world, and it is the third language after Chinese and English in terms of number of speakers. In addition, it is the official language in Spain and in nineteen countries in America and the Caribbean (Mexico, Guatemala,...


Who works at the Department of Spanish Language

Department of Spanish Language has more than 9 academic staff members

staff photo


ELAIADI JEHAWI is one of the staff members at the department of 3 faculty of 19. He is working as a since 2014-10-01. He teaches several subjects in his major and has several puplications in the field of his interest.

Department of Spanish Language in photos

Department of Spanish Language Albums